Haven't stopped running yet.
Around the most scary time of COVID-19 (in 2020) when we were all uncertain if we were dealing with black plague level of lethality and transmissibility, I started running.
This was partly due to the cabin fever of working from home for a decade, partly due to self-quarantine about COVID, and partly due to being my heaviest over-weightness ever.
It began as slow jogs until I was gasping for breath. In other words, around the block once or twice.
Staying fixated on the distance and time allowed me to try to at least do as good as the last run, if not a smidge better.
Once I could do 5k (3.12 miles) without walking, I started seeking races in addition.
5k's and later 10k's combined with tracking progress ended up being a great motivator. Lost around 40lbs and got the BMI within "normal".
Now I'm working on a next goal of a half-marathon 21 kilometers / 13.1 miles. Maybe Spring of 2024 I'll be ready.
SEE ALSO appletonmakerspace(1), github(1), instagram(6), mastodon(6), wisconsinlinux(1), youtube(6) AUTHORS Mike Putnam mike@theputnams.net FILES2023-12-09-100-hours-1000-kilometers2017-07-06-whats-going-on-in-tech2017-04-26-git-blame2016-10-27-choose-your-own-adventure-lockin2016-09-23-the-zen-of-python2016-07-18-organize-your-docker-stuff-with-labels2016-02-15-tail-foreverjs-logs2015-06-30-coder-cooperative2014-09-28-learning-to-weld2014-05-04-a-copper-thing2014-05-01-openbsd-55-released-today2014-04-30-what-to-make2013-10-10-appleton-makerspace-grand-opening2012-11-11-dell-xps-13-ultrabook-running-openbsd-snapshot2011-09-28-why-i-love-barcamp2011-07-04-a-simple-python-grep2011-05-08-dhmn-candybot-won2011-04-14-milwaukee-makerspace-grand-opening-road-trip2011-03-17-what-the-heck-is-a-barcamp2011-02-21-arduino-mosfet-irobot-wheels2011-02-05-dhmn-make-session2011-02-01-gladiator-girl2011-01-31-toward-an-appleton-wi-makerspace2011-01-24-madhackerhaus-12011-01-16-a-timelapse-doodle2010-11-07-arduino-happy-birthday-emitter2002-07-08-self-hosted-linux2002-04-08-geocaching More posts... (press for help or to quit)