NAME What's going on!? (in tech) SYNOPSIS

A part of being a nerd^H^H^H^H technologist is maintaining an awareness of what is going on out there. For me that awareness takes a few different forms. Meetups, Slack/IRC, and most regularly RSS.


RSS may have been declared dead by content companies back in 2013 (they couldn't monetize it) but self-publishing, blogs, and the general internet community continue to publish RSS/ATOM feeds and aggregation, making the technology a viable way to stay on top of current events in tech.

I continuously cultivate content in my RSS reader "Feedly" (handy web/mobile clients and check it many times throughout the day.

Being focused on Linux system administration, "DevOps", development, and leveraging open source software I categorize my feeds like this:

Aggregators - These are high signal-to-noise compilations of the latest happenings. Note the absence of reddit which in my opinion is too noise-to-signal.

AWS - Keep an eye on a provider of computing infrastructure.

Bloggers - These are people(not large companies) who blog on various topics that I have found interesting.

Comics - Get some levity.

DevOps - Open source projects, companies, and bloggers who focus on DevOps.

Makerspaces - I like makerspaces.

Programming - Relevant blogs for development methodologies or happenings.

Security - I read this the most often. Gotta be ready for the next vulnerability that needs immediate attention on your infrastructure!

Podcasts I have occasion to partake of.

SEE ALSO      appletonmakerspace(1), github(1), instagram(6), mastodon(6), wisconsinlinux(1), youtube(6) AUTHORS Mike Putnam FILES2023-12-09-100-hours-1000-kilometers2017-07-06-whats-going-on-in-tech2017-04-26-git-blame2016-10-27-choose-your-own-adventure-lockin2016-09-23-the-zen-of-python2016-07-18-organize-your-docker-stuff-with-labels2016-02-15-tail-foreverjs-logs2015-06-30-coder-cooperative2014-09-28-learning-to-weld2014-05-04-a-copper-thing2014-05-01-openbsd-55-released-today2014-04-30-what-to-make2013-10-10-appleton-makerspace-grand-opening2012-11-11-dell-xps-13-ultrabook-running-openbsd-snapshot2011-09-28-why-i-love-barcamp2011-07-04-a-simple-python-grep2011-05-08-dhmn-candybot-won2011-04-14-milwaukee-makerspace-grand-opening-road-trip2011-03-17-what-the-heck-is-a-barcamp2011-02-21-arduino-mosfet-irobot-wheels2011-02-05-dhmn-make-session2011-02-01-gladiator-girl2011-01-31-toward-an-appleton-wi-makerspace2011-01-24-madhackerhaus-12011-01-16-a-timelapse-doodle2010-11-07-arduino-happy-birthday-emitter2002-07-08-self-hosted-linux2002-04-08-geocaching More posts... (press for help or to quit)
Mike Putnam